Today headlines and quotes
John Garang (St. Catharines / Niagara, ON) wrote at 12:39am
"Democracy, whether in the north or south, should no longer and solely be struggle for power but rather as a competition on providing good governance, development, and delivering social services for our people and restoring the dignity and wealth of every man and woman."Dr. John Garang during the signing of CPA.."
Chol Dhoor Riak. wrote at 6:48pm on August 13th, 2008
Dr.John Garang once said,"There have been wars and there continues to be wars in the Sudan simply because the majority of Sudanese are not stakeholders in governance." That absolutely true....
Monday, August 18, 2008
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Mach Abraham Jok Makuei wrote at 3:11am
Garang was everything to us Southerners and to all Sudanese.I wish he had lived for at another 10 years for Sudan would be different now.Anyway there is time for everything.....time 2 be born...time 2 serve and time 2 die...may be his time had come.May his soul rest in eternal peace.
Garang was everything to us Southerners and to all Sudanese.I wish he had lived for at another 10 years for Sudan would be different now.Anyway there is time for everything.....time 2 be born...time 2 serve and time 2 die...may be his time had come.May his soul rest in eternal peace.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Garang quotes
Marol Abraham (Toronto, ON) wrote at 12:04pm
Moreover, Garang once gave a parable of a hunter. He said "if a hunter finds other hunters having killed an animal and he begs to be given a foreleg, he may not get a piece of meat but if he begs to be given a hind leg, he may get the foreleg. He was alluding to the Sudan as a whole and the South in particular in this parable. He also said a similar thing in the second video I posted when he gave an example of TPLF fighting for Addis Ababa and how Eritrea broke off in the process.Therefore, Garang was using the establishment of New Sudan as a strategy to get what he wantednes and quotes
Moreover, Garang once gave a parable of a hunter. He said "if a hunter finds other hunters having killed an animal and he begs to be given a foreleg, he may not get a piece of meat but if he begs to be given a hind leg, he may get the foreleg. He was alluding to the Sudan as a whole and the South in particular in this parable. He also said a similar thing in the second video I posted when he gave an example of TPLF fighting for Addis Ababa and how Eritrea broke off in the process.Therefore, Garang was using the establishment of New Sudan as a strategy to get what he wantednes and quotes
Garang today
Marol Abraham (Toronto, ON) wrote at 11:52am
In one of the Youtube videos, Garang indicated that he didn't want to confine himself to fighting for the freedom of the South only. He wanted to identify with the other Non-southerners who were also oppressed so that he gets alliances. He has explained that clearly because that is the point where most of his commanders misunderstood him that he was fighting for the whole Sudan. So he wanted to collaborate with the other marginalized people of the North to make liberation easier.In addition, Garang used that to gain support from the international community since the international could not support a rebel who wants to divide a country. He was a politician and a military man at the same time, hence his words should not be taken literally always.
Mike-Mike Aluong wrote at 1:37am
Thanks Marol Abraham. Before I disagree or agree with you on this quotation, I would like you to view or watch the "You tube" you just posted the link to find the point of talk. If you correctly defined the vision of the SPLM/A, then you will definitely know where Garang was standing between the two long historical viewpoints.
Marol Abraham (Toronto, ON) wrote at 10:04pm yesterday
Mr. Mike, Garang was not a unionist but he had a reason as to why he didn't limit himself to liberating only the Southerners. Follow this link( and this link( He is misunderstood by many.
In one of the Youtube videos, Garang indicated that he didn't want to confine himself to fighting for the freedom of the South only. He wanted to identify with the other Non-southerners who were also oppressed so that he gets alliances. He has explained that clearly because that is the point where most of his commanders misunderstood him that he was fighting for the whole Sudan. So he wanted to collaborate with the other marginalized people of the North to make liberation easier.In addition, Garang used that to gain support from the international community since the international could not support a rebel who wants to divide a country. He was a politician and a military man at the same time, hence his words should not be taken literally always.
Mike-Mike Aluong wrote at 1:37am
Thanks Marol Abraham. Before I disagree or agree with you on this quotation, I would like you to view or watch the "You tube" you just posted the link to find the point of talk. If you correctly defined the vision of the SPLM/A, then you will definitely know where Garang was standing between the two long historical viewpoints.
Marol Abraham (Toronto, ON) wrote at 10:04pm yesterday
Mr. Mike, Garang was not a unionist but he had a reason as to why he didn't limit himself to liberating only the Southerners. Follow this link( and this link( He is misunderstood by many.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Alakiir Akur Ayom (Chestnut Hill)
wrote at 7:44pm
Okay Garang paved the way for us, now it time to move on instead of dwelling. R.I.P Uncle you are forever loved.
wrote at 7:44pm
Okay Garang paved the way for us, now it time to move on instead of dwelling. R.I.P Uncle you are forever loved.
Mike-Mike Aluong wrote at 2:34pm
Diktor John Garang Said: "I was not satisfied with the objectives and the aims of the Anya Nya as a Movement. This was because the Anya Nya Movement at that time stood basically for the secession of the Southern Sudan to form a separate sovereign state. Before I joined the Anya Nya Movement, I went to the Camp of General Joseph Lagu, the Commander of the Anya Nya to brief me about the objectives of his Movement. From his briefings it was clear that his Movement was a separatist Movement. I told him point blank that I was opposed to secession movements." John Garang said this quotation when he visited Anya Nya I Chairman in Nov. 1987. "Garang is very unionist. He's more unionist than most Southerners," Said Lazarus Sumbeiywo' IGAD Chief mediator. The late Chairman of the SPLM and Commander-in-Chief of the Sudan People's Liberation Army was known by setting his own political ideologies and previaling in long-term period of the post-conflict between South and North War."
John Garang (St. Catharines / Niagara, ON) wrote at 1:41am
'"if we cannot rise to the challenge and move to the New Sudan, it is better that the Sudan breaks up (to two parts) before it breaks down (to innumerable fragments).
'"if we cannot rise to the challenge and move to the New Sudan, it is better that the Sudan breaks up (to two parts) before it breaks down (to innumerable fragments).
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Dr.John Garang 's quotes
Kuer Garang Manyok (Virginia Beach / Norfolk, VA) wrote at 5:50pm
Doctor John Garang De Mabior courageously said: "History will NEVER forgive us, for those who stabbed the Movement at the back when we were at the point of victory, will one day be judged". This was in response to the 1991 split and the subsequent massacre."If the solution to the tribulations of the Sudan means death, so be it". He said this in 1985 when his Regiment, Koryom seemed to loss soldiers each and every without any glimse of success to capture the remote town of Jukow.Stay tune for numerous quotes by the Late Hero
Kuer Garang Manyok (Virginia Beach / Norfolk, VA) wrote at 5:50pm
Doctor John Garang De Mabior courageously said: "History will NEVER forgive us, for those who stabbed the Movement at the back when we were at the point of victory, will one day be judged". This was in response to the 1991 split and the subsequent massacre."If the solution to the tribulations of the Sudan means death, so be it". He said this in 1985 when his Regiment, Koryom seemed to loss soldiers each and every without any glimse of success to capture the remote town of Jukow.Stay tune for numerous quotes by the Late Hero
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Dr.John Garang 's quotes

Abraham Deu wrote at 5:51pmThanks you back for providing all those importants information.Dr. Garang has done a whole a lot and he will be always recall...SUDAN!!!Again, thanks ..
Mr. Chol
Be safe!!
Jonglei De K (Australia) wrote at 2:22amDedicated to the martyrs and heroin.It’s kind of hard with you not around Know you in heaven smiling down. Watching us while we pray for you. Every day we pray for you till the day we meet again. In our heart is where we’ll keep you friend. Memories give us the strength we need (uh-huh) to proceed Strength we need to believe. our thoughts Big we just can’t define (can’t define). Wish we could turn back the hands of time making hits, stages they receive you on. We still can’t believe you’re gone. Give anything to hear half your breath we know you still living you’re life, after death.Long live Dr Garang’s vision Long live South Sudan May God bless you all. Be in peace.
Marol Abraham (Toronto, ON) wrote at 9:43pm yesterdayThese days, democracy is so beaten up that even if the devil says he is democratic, people will listen to him. We in the SPLA are the victims of our own image and success. SPLA is a tool to bring about a democratic society and a tool should not be democratic.( He said this when SPLA had many internal disputes-1991).
Manyang Arok (SD State) wrote at 5:54pm yesterdayGarang said:"southerners wanted roads, development of navigable waterways and the installation of a telephone system." John Garang, July 7 2003, to International Crisis Group interview: ..."I will not sit in Khartoum if Sharia is in force. This issue is the litmus test for unity."Garang on the suffering of the south Sudanese......"The Islamic Arab agenda is the cause of the war and the source of the suffering. It is a choice between slavery and freedom. What is life worth to be at peace when you are a slave in your own country?"..Garang....on rampant criminality of troops under his command: ..."We are certainly not angels. You will hear these charges and you will hear about the popularity of the SPLA. There are positive things and there are negative things. For every hundred men I recruit I may have two thieves"...Please don't go away, more are coming!
John Garang (St. Catharines / Niagara, ON) wrote at 4:13pm yesterday1 Who is the problem; the person being sat on or the person sitting on the other; Is the problem of Sudan the south or the north?2 Like a ram, for anything successful to happen, people must go back, back in order to go forward
Marol Abraham (Toronto, ON) wrote at 2:47pm yesterday1. A nation is not created by God but by people and it doesn't go to church on Sundays neither does it go to mosque on Fridays(It does not worship)2. God is neither a Muslim nor a Christian.More later...
Chol Dhoor Riak. wrote at 1:11pm yesterdayGarang Quotes so far:
1.Nobody is anybody Superior/majority as nobody is anybody inferior/minority.(Garang Maduk and Ajak De Aruei)
2.Take towns to villages and NOT villages to townsmore research in the making.(Garang Maduk and Jok Gai)
3.He haven't got a mechanical rifle that manoeuvre devoid human and a honest equitable food dispenser”( Majeep Kou )
4.Sudan will never remain the same.( Mike-Mike Aluong)
Majeep Kou (Australia) wrote at 2:54am on August 1st, 2008Dr. John Garang's quote that “He haven't got a mechanical rifle that manoeuvre devoid human and a honest equitable food dispenser”
Jok Gai (University of Victoria) wrote at 7:54pm on July 31st, 2008Hey Lovely people,Garang said, "Let's take towns to the villages"Please support us to accomplish this task by....Our project is now receiving donations. Go to: and click on "Donate Now". They are accepting Visa, Master Card and Cheques.If you live in Canada or US, you will be issued with a tax receipt so that you can claim your money back when you file your tax returns!!Thanks for your support!!Mike-Mike Aluong wrote at 3:14pm on July 31st, 2008John Garang said, "Sudan will never remain the same." He added, " I brought you this Comprehensive Peace Agreement in the golden plate, it's neither belong to me nor Bashir; it belongs to all Sudanese." Let us keep remembering him, indeed, freedom and liberation always kill its leaders, as we know that all freedom and liberation fighters are usually killed untimely during the time people need them the most.
Ajak De Aruei (United Nations) wrote at 8:00am on July 31st, 2008"It is dangerous to talk about the muslim majority, indegenious African can talk about their majority, Nobody is anybody 's majority and nobody is anybody 's minority," Garang.
Alakiir Akur Ayom (Chestnut Hill) wrote at 11:16pm on July 30th, 2008Africa lost one of her greatest son, my uncle. R.I.P DR. G DE MABIOR!
Peter Magai Bul (Chicago, IL) wrote at 9:09pm on July 30th, 2008REMEMBERING DR. JOHN GARANG DE MABIORPlease check this link out:
David Atem wrote at 6:27am on July 30th, 2008please have joined the skpe so that i can be making calls to you once in a while.
David Atem.
David Atem wrote at 6:20am on July 30th, 2008Garang: Says No man want to marry an ugly wife if khartoum do not make peace attractive the union can be disolved amicably.If the freedoom fighters and the goverment of the day goes by that,the problem of Southern Sudan will be solved once and for all
Bigman Shol wrote at 9:20pm on July 28th, 2008RIP DR.JOHN GARANG one of the greatest freedom fighters.....wat you have achieved will be remmbered by every southern sudanese until the end of time
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Friday, August 1, 2008
Once upon time,but not long ago,lived a precious liberator,strategist,nationalist,stateman,hero,a role model,father of freedom, and now a precious martyr of our time who endured great sufferings on behalf of principles, or cause to the cause of social justice in the Sudan.Nobody charted rough courses in the course of achieving freedom for all people of the Southern Sudan like him.
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